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Opportunities for Personal Advancement in Life

Live Your Dreams

This exciting one day event explains ways for you to confront your fears head-on with confidence and authority.  By learning some very practical skills, you'll overcome the fears that block you from accomplishing the goals and dreams of your life. As a result, you'll want to pursue your dreams like never before. You'll go after them as if your life depended on it -- because it does!

Make Your Life a Masterpiece

What is your dream? What would you love to do with your life if you had the time and resources? Travel? Volunteer work? A craft or hobby?

Knowing your dream and living it--this is the whole purpose behind simplifying your life. By knowing your dream, you have a powerful motivator to make changes in your life. By starting to have pieces of your dream, your life takes on a joy that makes the sacrifices of simplicity worth it.

Check the EVENTS CALENDAR for dates or contact us for more information about this enlightening event!

Book Now to Secure Your Place!

Course fees = €25    50% discount available for people with limited income

Booking on-line is secure through OPAL.  Please click on the ‘Terms of Use’ link at the bottom right hand side of this page to find out more and to see our cancellations policy for bookings.